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Design Oasis adds theme park touch to Travis Scott’s ‘Astroworld’ with Chauvet

Design Oasis adds theme park touch to Travis Scott’s ‘Astroworld’ with Chauvet
Design Oasis adds theme park touch to Travis Scott’s ‘Astroworld’ with Chauvet

Fortythousand fans attended rapper Travis Scott’s one-day theme-park inspired ‘Astroworld Festival’ in November 2018. A week after the conclusion of the festival, which was a stop on Scott’s national tour in support of his ‘Astroworld’ LP, the artist announced that there would be a second annual event in 2019.


A theme park vibe permeated the entire event, which was located next to the original Astroworld, a place that Houston native Scott always dreamed of visiting as a child, and the inspiration for the name of his album and tour.


Enhancing that vibe with colors was a collection of almost 400 Chauvet Professional Colorado fixtures, deployed throughout the grounds by Abbas Ritscher and his team at the Design Oasis. “We wanted to support the theme of the show with bold colors that conveyed an old school amusement park feeling,“ says Ritscher. “We went with a lot of dramatic colors, not a lot of pastels or subtle hues.”


Ritscher specified 350 Colorado 1-Tri IP par-style fixtures that he placed around the festival’s large scenic elements and in the VIP tent. Adding impact to the lighting display were the 40 Colorado 2-Quad Zoom IP fixtures in the festival rig. Arranged around strategic spots throughout the grounds, these RGBW units were used to add greater depth to some of the larger scenic elements.





Design Oasis adds theme park touch to Travis Scott’s ‘Astroworld’ with ChauvetDesign Oasis adds theme park touch to Travis Scott’s ‘Astroworld’ with Chauvet

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