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Claypaky gründet deutsche Niederlassung

26/03/2025 - Business News

Claypaky kündigt mit Wirkung zum 1. April 2025 die Gründung einer direkten Präsenz in Deutschland an, um sein Engagement in einem seiner wichtigsten Märkte zu intensivieren.

Claypaky, ein führender Anbieter von professionellen Beleuchtungslösungen für die Entertainment-Branche, kündigt die Gründung der "Clay Paky Deutschland GmbH" an. Diese strategische Neuausrichtung wird ab dem 1. April 2025 wirksam und unterstreicht das langfristige Engagement des Unternehmens im deutschen Markt. Clay Paky Deutschland hat ihren Sitz nahe Paderborn (Schlangen) und ein Service Center nahe Stuttgart (Fellbach) und wird als zentrale Anlaufstelle für alle deutschen Kunden und Partner fungieren.

Mit diesem strategischen Schritt will man gezielt in den deutschen Markt investieren, engere Kundenbeziehungen aufbauen und einen optimierten Service sowie eine noch umfassendere Unterstützung als bislang gewährleisten. Dafür hat das Unternehmen ein spezialisiertes Team für Vertrieb, Marketing, Produktmanagement, Kundensupport und technischen Service vor Ortzusammen gestellt. Vision Two, der langjährige Vertriebspartner von Claypaky, wird weiterhin als exklusiver Partner für den deutschen Theatermarkt tätig sein.

Claypaky-Geschäftsführer Marcus Graser: "Deutschland ist einer unserer wichtigsten Märkte, und die Gründung von Clay Paky Deutschland unterstreicht unser langfristiges Engagement für diese Region. Die neue Struktur bringt uns noch näher an unsere Kunden und unterstreicht unsere Strategie, alle Geschäftsbereiche voranzutreiben. Wir schätzen den Beitrag von Vision Two über die Jahre hinweg sehr und freuen uns, die Zusammenarbeit im Theatersegment fortzusetzen."

Das Team von Claypaky Deutschland besteht aus (im Bild, oben von links): Massimo Bolanrina (Sales Direktor), Alena Turiakova (Head of Marketing), Marcus Graser, Jens Konstantini (Business Development Manager Nordeutschland), Thomas Kammerer (Service), Fabian Komninos (Service) sowie (unten von links): Sebastian Weikamp (Marketing Deutschland), Boris Galamic (Service), Manuel Hahn (Technischer Vertrieb), Andreas Kammerer (Technischer Leiter), Marcel Mothes (Business Development Manager Süddeutschland) und Tim Ehrenfried (Technischer Vertrieb).

"Wir werden umgehend mit einem umfangreichen Programm zur Marken- und Produktpromotion beginnen. Dieses beinhaltet unter anderem Produktdemonstrationen und Roadshows in ganz Deutschland sowie Präsenz auf deutschen Fachmessen und Branchenevents wie der Prolight + Sound und der Leatcon", so Graser.

Kaytranada tourt mit GLP Impression X5 IP Bars

25/03/2025 - Rental News

Auf der „Timeless“-Welttour des kanadischen DJs und Produzenten Kaytranada hat Lichtdesigner Jaycob Luque insgesamt 156 GLP Impression X5 IP Bars eingesetzt. Ergänzend nutzte er 24 GLP-JDC1-Hybrid-Strobes, bereitgestellt von Matt Brotz und LEC Event Technology.

Alan Jackson - “Last Call: One More For The Road”-Tour 2025

25/03/2025 - Live Galleries News

Lighting Director/Production Manager: Mason Felps (46 Entertainment).

Showlight introduces new workshops for 2025

25/03/2025 - Termine News

Fresh for 2025, Showlight is introducing a new programme of informative, interactive workshops. These will take place on the afternoon of May 21, 2025, and will be open to all delegates on a first come, first served basis, with a strong emphasis on student attendance.

Corbin Alvae sets fun mood for Alexandra Kay tour with Chauvet

25/03/2025 - Rental News

Alexandra Kay’s lighting designer, Corbin Alvae, saw a stylized heart in an advertisement - it struck him with a vision of the perfect set piece for his client’s current 30-city “Cupid’s A Cowgirl” tour. “The concept for this design really came when AK talked about this being the start of a new phase of her career”, recalls Alvae. “We called it the ‘Lover Girl Era’.”

Claypaky Volero Cubes make Dutch debut at Son Mieux concerts in Amsterdam

25/03/2025 - Rental News

Dutch indie pop group Son Mieux played two sold-out shows at Amsterdam’s Ziggo Dome recently where 32 Claypaky Volero Cubes, provided by AED Group Netherlands, made their country-wide debut. Lighting and Set Designer Jasper Nijholt of Jasper Nijholt Lighting Design was tasked with creating a lighting and stage design that would have an open and layered appearance with dynamic elements visible throughout the show.

Digital Signage Summit Europe 2025 to focus on AI and Managed Services

25/03/2025 - Termine News

New for 2025, Digital Signage Summit Europe (DSS Europe), organised by Invidis Consulting in a joint venture with Integrated Systems Events (ISE), will now be a three-day learning and networking event for digital signage and DooH professionals, providing more opportunity to explore the critical issues, technologies, and trends shaping the industry.

Follow-Me brings performer tracking to “Mamma Mia! The Party” Rotterdam

25/03/2025 - Rental News

“Mamma Mia! The Party” in Rotterdam is an immersive theatrical show that combines the successful “Mamma Mia!” theatre production with a dining experience. Set in a Greek taverna with the entire venue being used as the set, the show invites audiences to become part of the action, interacting with the cast and enjoying a meal while the story unfolds around them.

I Art Nouveau transforms with Chauvet Professional Well STX 360 fixtures from AudioMaster

25/03/2025 - Rental News

The Parisian period of painter-illustrator Alfons (Alphonse) Mucha’s life serves as the inspiration for I Art Nouveau, a visual experience from the creators of the show Vivaldianno, led by Michal Dvorak, a member of the Czech rock band Lucie.

Vaino Gennaro

25/03/2025 - Leute News

DirectOut has appointed pro audio veteran Vaino Gennaro as the first point of contact for North American customers. “Vaino brings wide-ranging experience in the professional audio industry and has a deep understanding of the market”, says Jan Ehrlich, CEO for DirectOut.

Hideaki Takizawa

25/03/2025 - Leute News

Christie has appointed Hideaki Takizawa as the new chief financial officer (CFO) of Christie Digital Systems, Inc. and its subsidiaries, effective April 1, 2025. Reporting to Michael Phipps, president and chief operating officer (COO), Takizawa will align Christie’s financial strategy with its overall goals and manage internal controls and reporting to support continued growth and innovation.

Professional Wireless Systems delivers seamless audio support at Premio Lo Nuestro

24/03/2025 - Rental News

When Univision presented the 37th annual Premio Lo Nuestro at the Kaseya Center in Miami, Professional Wireless Systems (PWS) was onsite to handle frequency coordination and supply all wireless microphones, IFBs, IEMs and intercom for this year’s Latin music awards show. PWS managed frequency coordination and equipment for the entertainment program, including the red-carpet festivities, livestream and main event.

IFES and Amprofec forge strategic partnership to strengthen exhibition industry collaboration

24/03/2025 - Business News

The International Federation of Exhibition and Event Services (IFES) and the Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales de Ferias, Exposiciones y Convenciones (Amprofec) have formalised a new strategic partnership.

Minigigs and Martin Audio turn sports arena into gala awards and party venue

24/03/2025 - Rental News

The Sportcampus Zuiderpark is an indoor sports arena located in The Hague, The Netherlands. Opened in 2017, it is used for several indoor sports and the main 3,500-cap hall is the home arena of professional basketball club The Hague Royals. Every year, just before Christmas, the venue hosts the annual Sportgala, which recognises the achievements of local athletes and sports teams, as well as coaches, referees and volunteers.