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Erwin van Lokeren uses ChamSys console on Racoon tour

Erwin van Lokeren uses ChamSys console on Racoon tour
Erwin van Lokeren uses ChamSys console on Racoon tour

Erwin van Lokeren used a ChamSys MagicQ MQ80 console on Dutch alt rock quartet Racoon’s ‘Fall ‘18’ tour. “I have been Racoon’s designer since 2006, and it is always exciting and challenging working for them because their music is so diverse,” says van Lokeren.


“Racoon music ranges from up-tempo pop to really fragile small songs. This means that I have to go from making the show look big, to creating something very small and intimate. On this tour, I tried to create a show that was a bit industrial. I had lights moving up and down in different positions, so they worked as scenic pieces as well as sources of illumination.”


Limiting his three-universe show to 62 fixtures, van Lokeren was keeping his rig uncluttered to evoke an intimate hardcore basic mood on stage. This sense was reinforced by his use of retro theatrical fixtures that were hung at varying heights over the band. Changing the position of these fixtures created a sense of movement on stage, in addition to leading audiences through the different emotions evoked by the music.


In addition to his MagicQ MQ80, van Lokeren used an extra PC Wing to control front lights and hazers. “The Wing allowed me to adjust smoke at any time during the show,” he says. Systems techs for this tour - which marked van Lokeren’s 1000th show using a ChamSys console - were Bertje Ploegh and Marcel Koeter.


(Photos: Picturesk)





Erwin van Lokeren uses ChamSys console on Racoon tourErwin van Lokeren uses ChamSys console on Racoon tour

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