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Paragon 360 installs Chauvet fixtures at Whitesburg Baptist Church

Paragon 360 installs Chauvet fixtures at Whitesburg Baptist Church

Leaders at the 7,000-member Whitesburg Baptist Chruch in Huntsville, Alabama, had to modernize their worship space last year to create a more engaging environment, one that would support their three different Sunday services while also being more camera friendly for livestreams and broadcasts.


Paragon 360 followed a multi-step approach to achieve this transformation. The company’s team redesigned the stage area for functionality and aesthetics using its custom staging, scenic and architectural elements.


To improve the listening experience, acoustics throughout the room were enhanced and new audio gear was integrated into the church’s existing system. Video walls were added, and lighting was made more immersive, as well as more camera friendly, through the addition of 43 Chauvet Professional Ovation E-260WW LED ellipsoidal fixtures.


Outfitted with 14-, 19-, 26- and 36-degree lens tubes, the Ovation units are used for front lighting. The 260-watt warm white LED fixtures are positioned on the FOH-1 Truss, FOH-2 Truss, House Left Truss, House Right Truss, and STG-1 Truss.


In addition to these ellipsoidals, the church’s lighting rig features 24 Rogue R2X Washes. Positioned on STG-1 Truss and STG-2 Truss, 18 of the RGBW moving LED fixtures are relied up to provide backlighting for the entire stage, including the pulpit, orchestra section and choir area.


The remaining six R2X Wash units are on the downstage edge of the stage. “These fixtures are used in a variety of ways”, says Richard Heaton of Paragon 360. “They can be tightened and thrown over the audience as beams during contemporary moments, but most often they’re used here as ‘simple’ eye candy, not ‘winky blinky.’ They’re also used for light texturing on the orchestra, praise band, and praise singers.”




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